In the interest of full disclosure, I do not watch The Bachelor. I’ve never watched The Bachelor. The most I’ve ever seen of the show is when it was on in the background at my friend’s house while waiting to watch South Park and Chappelle's Show. So I don’t know who Jake, Tenley or Vienna are; the only information I’ve gleaned from this season of The Bachelor has come from Twitter, websites mocking the show and Facebook status updates. And, from what I can tell, people are way too invested in fake romances produced for television.
Looking at Twitter and Facebook, people were not only shocked that Jake had chosen Vienna but offended that he hadn’t chosen Tenley. But should anyone really be shocked by the choices of a grown man who chooses to find true love on a television show? Jake chose to find a wife on The Bachelor; he lost all credibility before the cameras even began to roll.
People also like to defend Tenley and image her as the innocent, good girl compared to Vienna’s trashy, bad girl. But Tenley has the same misconceptions of love and marriage that Vienna does, she just didn’t get the final rose. I’ve got no sympathy for someone who thinks that they’re going to find true love on a television show.
I’m fine with people watching The Bachelor; a lot of my good friends enjoy the show. However, with any show or movie or book, we shouldn’t allow ourselves to get too emotionally invested. We should recognize entertainment as such and enjoy it. Then when the show ends, when the credits roll or we finish the final chapter, we should choose to emotionally engage with the friends, family and loved ones God has placed in our lives.
Frost Covers For Fruit Trees
9 months ago
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