Last week at Catalyst Reggie Joiner spoke about the prodigal son. I’ve obviously heard the story before, I even taught from it a few weeks ago. Joiner asked a question about the story, though, that I had never thought about. He asked: what if the older brother had met the prodigal before the father?
The story would be completely different. Instead of exemplifying love and forgiveness, the story would exemplify fear and rejection. Instead of returning home amidst celebration and grace, the prodigal probably would have turned back around, carrying away more shame and regret than he had arrived with.
Joiner’s question challenged me to examine my own life and ministry. When prodigals meet me or come to our ministry, are they meeting the loving father or the judging brother?
I know that I have experienced grace, but is my life a conduit for that same grace to others?
I know that I have been accepted into the family of God, but is our ministry accepting of any and all?
Does my life make prodigals want to celebrate or walk away in shame?
I haven’t fully thought through what this means for my life and ministry. At this point, however, I know that I don’t want to be the older brother. I want my life to lead to celebrations of grace not walks of shame.
Who in your life, because of their acceptance and love, has caused a celebration grace?
Frost Covers For Fruit Trees
9 months ago
In any shameful areas I could use some grace, and I am sure have needed in the past, I've never really opened up enough to my faults, mistakes, and errors to receive any from another person, and until I'm able, I cannot receive that from another person.