The Voyage of the Dawn Treader releases to movie theaters today as Hollywood continues to cash in on the popularity of fantasy epics created by The Lord of the Rings. I haven’t seen the movie yet but I probably will. I most recently read The Voyage of the Dawn Treader on our honeymoon and it was one of my favorite books when I was younger. I replicated and enlarged the cover of the book onto a sandwich board to wear in our school’s book parade. I felt pretty classy having a classic on my board while all my classmates had those flash-in-the-pan Goosebumps books on theirs.
I remember reading a review for the last Narnia movie, Prince Caspian; it said that the movie was all right but that it was a little too “preachy” at certain points. I assume the reviewer meant that the parts about Lucy needing to believe in Aslan even when no one else would were too preachy. It makes sense, though, that a movie heavily marketed to Christians would be a little preachy; Christians like preachy.
Most every week Christians go to church, gather together, sing some songs and listen to a preacher. Christians get preached at all the time.
I go to church and listen to the sermon every week.
I listen to myself give a talk every Tuesday night.
I got to conferences and listen to people give messages.
Sometimes I even download sermons and listen to them throughout my day.
Christians like being preached to, even if it’s coming from an anthropomorphized lion who is analogous to God. I don’t know if The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will be any good, but I am sure that it will have some preachiness to it; and I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Maybe someone will see The Voyage of the Dawn Treader just to be entertained, end up being intrigued by the story of a lion who can renew and recreate, and then perhaps that intrigue will push them to want to hear some more preaching in a church on Sunday.
Frost Covers For Fruit Trees
9 months ago
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