I went to a high school choir performance this evening. It was thoroughly enjoyable and I was definitely blown away by the talent of some of the students. The most moving part of the evening, though, was the performance by one of the choirs that had some physically and mentally disabled students. While I was listening to those students using their gifts and talents, I couldn’t help but smile and enjoy their performance. It wasn’t about technical mastery or being perfectly in tune, it was about simply enjoying the performance and the gifts and talents God had given each person in that choir.
God has given each of us gifts and talents to use for his kingdom and purposes. We are called to joyfully serve our God; this week in our church’s study we’re looking at the spiritual habit of joyful service. I have always thought, though, that the joy in service was supposed to be ours; we are the ones who are supposed to find joy when we serve God. I still believe that’s true but, after listening to that choir tonight, I couldn’t help but think about the joy our service brings to God.
God created each of us with gifts and talents and, when we use those talents as he intended, it must bring him joy. God created everything for a purpose and, when that purpose is fulfilled, it brings him joy.
When the wind blows, it brings God joy.
When the planets revolve around the sun, they bring God joy.
When whales swim and sing with each other, they bring God joy.
When we use our gifts and talents as God intended, we bring God joy.
So we should definitely use our gifts joyfully; we should be grateful for the service that God allows us to do. But, as an added incentive, we should think about the joy it brings to God when we serve him. God loves us and delights in us; we can bring him joy by joyfully serving him.
Frost Covers For Fruit Trees
9 months ago
Nice! I especially like the insight that the joy is really about God and for God.