I have very strict rules about listening to Christmas music so December is always a struggle for me. I have to live with the tension of having a limited time to listen to Christmas music and wanting to listen to other music as well. That tension really weighed me down last month with the release of the Tron: Legacy soundtrack.
The first week after Thanskgiving was great, I was blaring “All I Want for Christmas is You” and Band-Aid. But then, on December 6, everything changed. Daft Punk released their soundtrack to Tron: Legacy and I didn’t want to listen to anything else, not even Wham! consoling the Christmas brokenhearted. I was completely conflicted but Daft Punk won out more often than not.
The soundtrack is amazing and completely made the movie; I don’t think I would have enjoyed Tron: Legacy half as much as I did if it had a different soundtrack. Daft Punk are a perfect fit for the movie and they even make a cameo in the film. I enjoy listening to movie soundtracks when I read or I’m trying to write, but I listen to the Tron: Legacy soundtrack when I’m just driving around; it’s that good.
In the end, I feel like I listened to enough Christmas music to get my fill, especially when all the casinos were still playing it last week in Las Vegas. The same can’t be said about Tron: Legacy. I listen to it all the time and I’m sure that will continue for some time. At least it will continue when I’m not with Alycia; I think at this point she’d prefer hearing “The Christmas Song” a few more times.
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