KFC’s Double Down is a sandwich, in the loosest sense of the word. It is a sandwich filled with bacon, a slice of Swiss cheese, a slice of pepper jack cheese and the Colonel’s sauce. Take all of those ingredients, sandwich them between two original recipe fried chicken filets and you’ve got yourself the new KFC Double Down. Right now it is only available in two markets, Rhode Island and Nebraska, but if it sells well it could show up soon at your neighborhood KFC. Considering the despicable nature of the Famous Bowls and their ability to sell, I’d wager that something far more despicable, like the Double Down, will have an even greater ability to sell. And, when that happens, we’ll have a new cheesy, fried, bacony craze sweeping the nation.
KFC has not released any official nutrition information for the Double Down yet. They have released estimates for some nutritional categories. Here are those numbers:
Calories: 590
Calories from fat: 280
Total fat: 31g
Saturated fat: 10g
Honestly, I’m a little shocked by those numbers; I thought that the caloric intake would be significantly higher. Again, these are only estimates so the final numbers could be worse…or much worse. Even with less-than-expected numbers, the Double Down really isn’t something any human being should eat. If not for the nutritional values, then for the simple fact that we have the choice to be more mature and discerning in the foods we choose to eat.
Honestly, we all eat food that we probably shouldn’t; this week I ate a piece of red velvet cheesecake, which was delicious. But when we choose to splurge and eat something we shouldn’t, we should at least make sure that it is worthwhile. As we grow up and get older, our palates hopefully grow and mature along with us.
When I was younger all I wanted to eat were SpaghettiOs; now the thought of eating any of Chef Boyardee’s creations sickens me.
When I was younger I never wanted to eat fish; now I consider it a lucky day when I get to have sushi.
When I was younger I never wanted to eat vegetables; now I love firing up the grill and cooking zucchini or asparagus.
As our palates grow and change we should leave behind some of the foods of our youth, which definitely include something like the Double Down. Bacon and cheese wrapped in fried chicken shouldn’t appeal to a sensible adult; that is food for a child.
We like to eat food that isn’t good for us: whether that’s a gourmet pizza, a juicy steak or a decadent dessert. Obviously, our diets shouldn’t be solely composed of such meals but, every so often, it’s not a bad thing to splurge. When we splurge, though, we should make those meals and those extra calories worth it; we shouldn’t waste them on some sophomoric concoction like the Double Down. We should embrace a mature and discerning palate and look forward to the adventure of eating something we’ve never had before. So, this weekend:
Try a recipe that you’ve never made before.
Visit a restaurant that serves a type of food you’ve never had.
Don’t go to Kentucky Fried Chicken. Stick it to the Colonel and his Double Down.
What is one food you avoided as a child but now like?
you know what, duckie... you make me sick!!! chef boyardee is my best friend and i go to KFC at least once a week. i am now going to have go twice as much to make up for your lack of commitment. I mourn today the loss of your senses. i am however, open and willing to talk this out over Cheese Kurds from A&W... have your people call mine.