I love Thanksgiving; it is easily one of my favorite holidays. I enjoy spending time with family, I enjoy watching football, I enjoy the beginning of the holiday season but mostly I enjoy the food. I have been counting calories and watching what I eat for the better part of this year and I want that to continue through December and into the New Year. This Thursday, however, I won’t be counting calories as I enjoy all of my favorite foods of the Thanksgiving meal.

Stuffing is my favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal. Some people don’t like stuffing and to them I say, “Get a DeLorean and go back in time to the Soviet Union where you belong.” There is so much difference in opinion when it comes to stuffing because there are so many different types of stuffing: cornbread, sausage, mushroom, Stove Top. I am partial to my mom’s stuffing and I’m already excited to eat it. If you don’t like stuffing maybe it’s because your mom has a bad recipe; ask me for my mom’s recipe because it’s awesome…and American.

I think we settled on the turkey for Thanksgiving because nothing looks better sitting on a table. Norman Rockwell wouldn’t have been inspired by a rare prime rib surrounded by decorative squashes. Turkey isn’t that great but it looks good roasted, feeds a lot of people and provides days’ worth of leftovers. Fried turkey tastes better than a roast turkey and isn’t as unhealthy as you might think. Either way, turkey is good for Thanksgiving unless you’re the turkey. And, if you are a turkey, pray to your turkey gods that you get the Presidential pardon.

Cranberry Sauce
Thanksgiving is full of foods that are only consumed on the fourth Thursday of November. I have never had cranberry sauce outside of Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving leftovers. I don’t even know if they sell it year-round or of it just makes a special appearance once a year like the McRib. Either way, there is no lazier side dish than cranberry sauce. A trained monkey could serve cranberry sauce as long as he knew how to work a can opener. Cranberry sauce is an afterthought of the Thanksgiving meal, proven by its presentation in the exact shape of the can in which it was packaged.
What part of the Thanksgiving meal are you most thankful for?
ReplyDeleteum, my mom makes the best cranberry sauce ever. it doesn't come in a can. there's all sorts of stuff inside. you made your statement about cranberry sauce in false light. it happens to be my favorite part of the meal.