I went to Target today because I needed three things: sunscreen, Burt’s Bees and undershirts. I went to Target for three items that I needed and I left with only those three items. I remember when my Target trips were far more exciting.
When I was living with my parents, Target trips were like going to Disneyland. I would go to Target because I needed pens or contact lens solution, but I knew in the back of my mind I would walk out with much more than those needed items. Every time I went to Target I would get what I needed and then head to the electronics section. There was never a trip to Target when I didn’t walk out with a new CD, DVD, video game or toy. Those were the days.
Now when I go to Target and spend $100 it’s on boring items: laundry detergent, trash bags, deodorant, hand soap. Target used to be so much fun but that entertaining sheen has worn off. I still like Target, but now it’s like eating my vegetables: I know it’s good for me, but it’s just not that much fun.
What’s your favorite part about Target?
Personally, I get all excited that I now have to go to Target for mundane things like laundry detergent and soap... it makes me feel far more grown up than I know I really am.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you're past that point already, but imagine the day when you're needing to go to target to buy diapers and baby wipes... now that's weird.