Sometimes I go through life thinking that God can only speak to me in specific places or situations.
If I’m at church then God is really going to speak to me.
If I’m at a retreat in the mountains then God is going to have plenty to say.
If I’m at a conference then God is really going to communicate his truth through the speakers onstage.
If I’m at the beach then God is going to whisper something into my heart as I watch the sunset.
Those are all great places for God to speak to me. If I think that God will only speak to me in those situations, though, then I am putting him in a box. And God doesn’t fit in a box, even if it’s a really big box.
God has been showing me that he can speak to me whenever he wants. Lately that has meant the Holy Spirit speaking to me and giving me insight while I’m in the shower. I don’t know what it is about the shower or why it’s a good place for God to speak to me. Recently, though, he has regularly used those ten minutes of shampooing, washing and shaving to give me insight into issues I’m facing or sermons I’m preparing.
I would have never guessed that God would use my daily shower as a place of revelation, which is probably why he does use it. Not only is he speaking to me but he’s also showing me that nobody puts God in a box, just like nobody puts baby in a corner.
What unexpected places has God spoken to you?
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